Hero MotoCorp, India’s largest two-wheeler manufacturer, recently launched its first 2-in-1 electric vehicle, the Hero Surge S32 in India. The vehicle can function as both an electric scooter and a three-wheeler cargo carrier, the Surge S32 is the first electric vehicle of the 2 in 1 type that offers versatile options.
Hero MotoCorp subsidiary Surge has unveiled the S32, a unique electric vehicle that transforms from a three-wheeler rickshaw into a sleek e-scooter. It is designed to be functional and adaptable, meeting both business and personal needs.
Surge S32 Launch Date
This 2in 1 electric vehicle was first showcased at Hero World 2024. However, Hero MotoCorp has not yet announced the launch date of Surge S32. If some media reports are to be believed, it could be launched by mid-2024.
Changes Scooter to Cargo on single button
The Surge S32 easily transforms from a rickshaw to a scooter at the press of a button. The front windshield lifts up gracefully, revealing the sleek scooter beneath. Meanwhile, the cabin shifts quickly thanks to a spring-loaded double-swing mechanism. It takes only 3 minutes to do this.
Surge S32 design
The design of Hero Surge S32 is both attractive and practical. The vehicle is divided into two independent parts: one a sleek electric scooter and the other a three-wheel cargo carrier.
#Hero has unveiled a revolutionary three-wheeler that transforms into a two-wheeler, showcasing the innovative spirit and ingenuity of Indian engineering. It's amazing to witness such groundbreaking advancements. #Innovation #MakeInIndia 🇮🇳 🛵 pic.twitter.com/yHJPzys5kb
— Harsh Goenka (@hvgoenka) January 26, 2024
In scooter mode, the Surge S32 looks like a conventional electric scooter. It has features like comfortable seats, LED headlights and digital instrument cluster.
In cargo mode, the Hero Surge S32 transforms into a three-wheeler cargo carrier. It has a load carrying capacity of up to 500 kg, making it an ideal choice for local deliveries or small businesses.
If we talk about its cargo carrier, it will come in 3 variants – plain flat back with some body work, back with high body work, and fully covered commercial vehicle.
Battery and Range
The Hero Surge S32 comes with two different batteries: one for scooter mode and the other for cargo mode.
For scooter mode, the Surge S32 has a 3.5 kW lithium-ion battery. It has a powerful motor which can generate maximum power of 4 bhp and can achieve maximum speed of 60 kmph.
For cargo mode, the Hero Surge S32 packs an 11 kW lithium-ion battery. Its motor can generate maximum power of 13.4 bhp. And it can achieve a top speed of about 50 kmph.
And if you’re concerned about the practicality of the cargo, fear not! The maximum load carrying capacity of the rickshaw mode is 500 kg, making it ideal for various business operations.
Surge S32 Price
The price of S32 has also not been announced yet, but it is being estimated that it could be between Rs 2 lakh to Rs 3 lakh. Some media reports estimate that its price could be Rs 3 lakh.
The Surge S32’s 2in1 convertible technology, double battery, motor, additional cargo space will prove to be the factors that will influence its price.
Hero MotoCorp has not skimped on comfort and features. The cabin of the S32 features lighting and windscreen for unexpected rain. Apart from this, it is equipped with features like LED headlights, indicators, a digital speedometer, Bluetooth connectivity, reverse gear.
The S32 is more than just an EV; This can prove to be a game-changer in people’s lives. It has solved the problem of separating personal and commercial vehicles, providing unprecedented flexibility and functionality. With its futuristic design, innovative technology and practical features, the Surge S32 will definitely turn heads and redefine the way we think about urban mobility.
Would you like to have a convertible 2in 1 electric scooter like this one that transforms into a cargo carrier when needed? What are your thoughts on the Hero Surge S32? Do share your opinion in the comments below!
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