In the glitzy realm of Bollywood, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s latest venture, Tiger 3, has set the stage ablaze, making it their third highest opening to date. This Diwali release has not only captured the essence of the festival but has also marked its territory with an impressive opening day collection of ₹44.5 crore, solidifying its position as a cinematic force to be reckoned with.
Tiger 3 Created New Record
Tiger 3’s opening day triumph is a noteworthy achievement, propelling it to the third spot in Salman Khan’s impressive roster of openers. Surpassing the likes of his 2015 family drama, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, and closely trailing behind the 2019 hit, Bharat, this spy thriller has etched its place in the annals of Bollywood box office history.
Tiger 3 Opening Day Collection
Salman Khan, known for his cinematic charisma, witnessed his third-highest opening with Tiger 3, following the grand success of Bharat and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. The ₹44.5 crore mark on the opening day showcases the unwavering fandom and anticipation that surrounds every Khan release.
Katrina Kaif’s Stellar Entry
For Katrina Kaif, Tiger 3 stands tall as her third-highest opener. Thugs of Hindostan and Bharat might precede it, but the film’s ₹44.5 crore debut cements its position as a blockbuster in her illustrious career.
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Decoding the Diwali Day Release
The decision to release Tiger 3 on Diwali, a day traditionally associated with festivities and family time, was a strategic move by YRF. In an exclusive interview with India Today, YRF distribution head Rohan Malhotra shed light on this unconventional decision. He explained, “At YRF, we focused on the lifetime business of the film and came a day earlier. It worked like a dream. We got insane numbers, fueled by the belief in Shah Rukh Khan’s stardom and the conviction that we had crafted an exceptional film.”
Tiger 3: A look at the YRF spy universe
Tiger 3 marks the third installment in Salman and Katrina’s espionage thriller franchise and is the latest addition to the YRF Spy Universe, sharing the stage with blockbusters like War and Pathaan. Directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3, as reviewed by Hindustan Times, introduces a plot that is both intricate and complex, unveiling new twists and turns at every juncture. However, the review notes a challenge in the film’s inconsistent pace.
#OneWordReview…#Tiger3: SMASH-HIT.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The roar is back… #Tiger3 is the biggest dhamaka you can expect this #Diwali… Excellent second half, solid action pieces, superb cameos and of course, a ferocious #SalmanKhan. #Tiger3Review2023 marks the comeback of…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 12, 2023
Tiger 3’s Resounding Roar
In conclusion, Tiger 3’s staggering opening day collection of ₹44.5 crore not only cements its place as a cinematic marvel but also solidifies Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s reign over the box office. The strategic Diwali release has proven to be a masterstroke, setting the stage for what promises to be a triumphant journey for this espionage thriller. As the film unfolds its intricate narrative, it leaves an indelible mark on Bollywood’s ever-evolving landscape. Tiger 3, with its spectacular debut, has announced its arrival with a resounding roar, captivating audiences and critics alike.
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